How will you answer these questions…???

Who am I?

Exploring one of the deepest questions everyone asks…the search for meaning and purpose is just one reason for the existence of The Rock on Campus.

We hope that you will continue asking this question, and many more questions about life. We encourage you to join others on your campus who are searching for answers to the same questions.

There is a Rock that you can build your life upon. Exploring who this Rock is will be just the beginning of the adventure, and we would love to join you on the discovery.


Where am I going?

College is just one way to explore what life is all about, and to navigate early young adult years.

Give yourself permission to know this struggle…and know you are not alone.

Remember that the path that you walk is filled with choices. And making informed choices sets your life in many directions: what direction are you heading in?

Our chaplains are great listeners. If you need to talk, message them.